Let Satterwhite Log Homes guide you step-by-step to your one-of-a-kind log home. Establish a budget, then draw your floor plan. We'll give you a free estimate, advice, and our own special brand of


Longview, Texas Office. Toll Free: 1-800-777-7288 Voice: 903-663-1729 Fax: 903-663-1721 @ Email Home Office. Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm Saturday: 7am - Noon Closed Sundays & Holidays

Satterwhite Log Homes Information Package. Satterwhite Log Homes gets your ideas flowing with a beautiful, spiral bound 95 page color catalog. Featuring over 30 plans, including many updated favorites. Plus we show the flexibility of custom floor plans from our own in-house designers, with 5 examples of options and variations. From humble beginnings, Satterwhite Log Homes has become one of the premier log home companies in America. We attribute our success to good materials, great people, a lot of hard work, and a determination to build quality log homes at a reasonable price. Satterwhite Log Homes, Longview, TX. 10,226 likes · 142 talking about this · 325 were here.

Satterwhite log homes

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Vi äger och förvaltar vår sjö stuga  Sam Satterwhite, President Satterwhite Log Homes. Läs mer. Rapportera missbruk. Översätt omdöme till Svenska. David Adams. 5,0 av 5 stjärnor Great book!

Not only does it have an earthy beauty unlike a stick built home but you can also be sure yours will be unique.

BBB accredited since 11/1/2006. Log Cabins in Gunnison, UT. See BBB rating, reviews, complaints, request a quote & more.

We are committed to what we do and how we do it. Dry Logs Longview, Texas Office.

Satterwhite log homes

Satterwhite Log Homes manufactures a variety of log profiles. These choices offer a range of style and visual appeal, both on the exterior and on the interior of your home. D-Shape House Logs - Our most popular design. Rounded exterior with a flat interior face perfect for outlets & switch plates, plus low upkeep (no "dust catchers").

Satterwhite Log Homes | More than 20,000 families have selected Satterwhite for their log home. Satterwhite log homes have been built across the United States and all over the world. Publications from Satterwhite Log Homes.

Logs Tongue & grooved Engelmann Spruce and Lodgepole Pine house logs, caulked between and fastened together with 9", 11", or 15" log screws. Electrical Wiring for outlets and switch boxes cut in log walls and looped for connection later. Porches & Exterior Trim Western Red Cedar.
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Satterwhite log homes

Founded in 1974, Satterwhite Log Homes harvests standing dead timber and manufactures it into dry, stable house logs in a variety of sizes and profiles. Satterwhite Log Homes is a leading national log home company.

Kristina BäcknäsHus · Satterwhite Log Homes | Caney Creek Floor Plan.
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Please contact Satterwhite sales for current information 1-800-777-7288. During the beta preview of our new website, we are working to finish a written description for this plan. FYI - Satterwhite floor plans are organized in two broad catagories: 1) Standard Floor Plans, and 2) Mountain Inspirations Plans.

Published on Sep 17, There's something about a log cabin that sets it apart from all other homes. Not only does it have an earthy beauty unlike a stick built home but you can also be sure yours will be unique. Use these guidelines for how to find log homes for A new generation embraces off-grid living, which includes back-to-the-basics log homes.

Satterwhite Log Homes … It's a Family Affair. When my wife, Travonda, and I founded our log home company in. 1974, modern log home construction was in its 

Plan W3127 /1207 sq. ft. Kristina BäcknäsHus · Satterwhite Log Homes | Caney Creek Floor Plan. Sweet Home. Log cabin kitchen. Elisabeth GothnellTimmerhus · Image detail for -Satterwhite Log Homes - The Woodland II Photos Rustik Jul, Primitiv. Custom Satterwhite Log Cabin - Rymlig 1750 kvadratfot privat boende, som ligger i gated utveckling av 10 tunnland områden.

More about us. Have you ever thought about building your own log home or cabin from scratch? We researched the best books about log home and cabins for you to learn more.