Find property information, sales & rental history and more for 25a Myra Avenue, Ryde, 2112 with Zango
59 Myra Ave Ryde NSW 2112. View property data & sold price history for 59 Myra Avenue & other properties in Ryde.
This House is estimated to be worth around $1.7m.The Domain property ID is CE-9608-ZE 23 Myra Avenue is a house in Ryde NSW 2112. View more about this property and browse similar listings in Ryde on 23 Myra Ave Ryde NSW 2112. View property data & sold price history for 23 Myra Avenue & other properties in Ryde. 23 Myra Av, Ryde NSW 2112.
Property data for 23 Myra Avenue, Ryde, NSW 2112. Get sold price history for this house & median property prices for Ryde, NSW 2112. 23 Myra Avenue, Ryde Brilliantly positioned on a huge 1188 sqm block this family home offers enormous potential to buyers. It provides duplex site or rebuild potential under the proposed new Ryde Council development requirements. 23 Myra Avenue is a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house with 4 carspaces. Land size.
3 bedroom house at 12A MYRA AVENUE, Ryde NSW 2112 sold on Sep 7, 2019. View 12 photos, floorplans, schools and neighbourhood info on Homely.
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29 Myra Ave Ryde NSW 2112. View property data & sold price history for 29 Myra Avenue & other properties in Ryde.
25 Myra Ave Ryde NSW 2112. View property data & sold price history for 25 Myra Avenue & other properties in Ryde. Ryde Local Planning Panel Report No. 2/21 - Thursday 15 April 2021 Figure 4 No. 21 Myra Avenue as viewed from streetscape An existing stormwater pipe and sewer line traverse the site (Figure 5) resulting in the siting of the existing buildings. The eastern side of Myra Avenue contains allotments Property story. 36 Myra Avenue, Ryde NSW 2112 is a House, with 7 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and 4 parking spaces. This House is estimated to be worth around $1.9m, with a range from $1.64m to $2.16m 3 bedroom house at 12A MYRA AVENUE, Ryde NSW 2112 sold on Sep 7, 2019.
23 min 42 min 60+ min 60+ min View Routes. MYRA Ryde Real Estate Historical Prices, Old Listings with recorded property information
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Photo 3 - 25A Myra Avenue, RYDE NSW 2112. Photo 4 - 25A Myra Avenue, RYDE NSW 2112.
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Sold Rented All. 1 house. last 12 months. $1.7m. 23 Myra Av, Ryde NSW 2112. 2020. Nov 07.
Property story. 23 Myra Avenue, Ryde NSW 2112 is a House, with 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and 4 parking spaces. This House is estimated to be worth around $1.7m.The Domain property ID is CE-9608-ZE
29 Myra Avenue. 29 Myra Avenue. Ryde, Sydney, 2112. Add scores to your site. Commute to Downtown Sydney . 23 min 42 min 60+ min 60+ min View Routes.
Ryde Local Planning Panel Report No. 2/21 - Thursday 15 April 2021 Figure 4 No. 21 Myra Avenue as viewed from streetscape An existing stormwater pipe and sewer line traverse the site (Figure 5) resulting in the siting of the existing buildings. The eastern side of Myra Avenue contains allotments Property story. 36 Myra Avenue, Ryde NSW 2112 is a House, with 7 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and 4 parking spaces. This House is estimated to be worth around $1.9m, with a range from $1.64m to $2.16m Removal of 'Right Turn Only' at Myra Avenue Consultation closed on 12 April 2019 The City of Ryde is proposing to remove the ‘Right Turn Only’ condition at the driveway of Northcross Christian School to allow cars to turn left or right when exiting the school. 25 Myra Ave Ryde NSW 2112. View property data & sold price history for 25 Myra Avenue & other properties in Ryde.