RPG IV, a.k.a. RPGLE or ILE RPG,) was released in 1994 as part of the V3R2 release of OS/400 (now known as IBM i). With the release of RPG IV, the RPG name was officially no longer an initialism . RPG IV offered a greater variety of expressions within its Extended Factor-2 Calculation Specification and, later in life, its free-format Calculation Specifications and Procedure syntax.


Free Summit Lunch & Learn Series. Grab your brown bag and get ready for the most productive lunches of 2021! Meet with us online as we host a series of free online sessions focused on the latest IBM i enhancements and development tools. Join us for a series of 75-minute technical discussions from March 9-25 as we and our guests share helpful hints

System i Developer | 339 följare på LinkedIn. IBM i development trainers, mentors, and hosts of the RPG & DB2 Summit conference. | Comprised of top experts  Today, we specialize in RPG and web application development with user interfaces Register for this free webinar, a part of the Virtual RPG & DB2 Summit! RPG & DB2 Summit stora besparingar med enkla medel Linux för system i Medlemsbladet #197 nov 2009 årgång 25 Power The Ultimate Protection. nu turnerar i USA med RPG & DB2 Summit. Det är.

Rpg db2 summit 2021

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September 14, 2020 - September 16, 2020 · « Webinar: IBM i Transformation Risks Every Business Leader Should Know · RPG & DB2 Summit (Virtual) »  Upwork is the leading online workplace, home to thousands of top-rated RPG RPG Development; Microsoft Visio; IBM DB2 Programming; Microsoft Office 365 I am open for video / phone conference before the project is closed if need be& April 27 — May 20, 2021 In October, join the top IBM i development experts at the Summit to refresh your skills and wow Learn about RPG & DB2 Summit. 27 Feb 2015 and “Who even writes in RPG anymore? IBM i integrates a trusted combination of the DB2 relational database, industry-leading security,  Search and apply for the latest As400 developer rpg rpgle db2 jobs. Verified employers. Competitive salary. Full-time, temporary, and part-time jobs.

But what do these teams need to prepare for?

RPG & Db2 Summit Virtual RPG & DB2 Summit Discover the true power of IBM i at the Virtual RPG & DB2 Summit, October 20 – 26, 2021! Join the top IBM i development experts at the Summit to wow your users with innovative applications built with IBM i data and business logic.

With the release of RPG IV, the RPG name was officially no longer an initialism . RPG IV offered a greater variety of expressions within its Extended Factor-2 Calculation Specification and, later in life, its free-format Calculation Specifications and Procedure syntax.

Rpg db2 summit 2021

Skip talks with Billy about his experience at the Summit.

It’s definitely one of the best conferences that I attend, and I attend a lot of conferences! In fact, I’ve participated in all twelve of the previous RPG & DB2 Summit conferences.

Visit the RPG & DB2 Summit … 10/15/2019 - 10/17/2019 @ 12:00 am - Excellent training on all topics related to IBM i development, including our personal favorites — DB2 for i and open source. Also features Hands-On Workshops on Python, Git, SQL, or Procedures & Service Programs. Visit the RPG & DB2 Summit website for details. 2021-03-14 rpg db2 summit News from the road Over the last month we've been at the WMCPA (Wisconsin Midrange Computer Professional Association) annual spring conference in Wisconsin, our 10th (or maybe even 12th) RPG-DB2 Summit conference in Texas, and made another trip out to the Northeast User Groups Conference from For all IBM i Developers…Now that fall is here and you’re well on your way to leading your fantasy league, it’s time to start thinking about the Fall RPG DB2 Summit in Minneapolis from October 17 th – October 19 th. DESCRIPTION.
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Rpg db2 summit 2021

I’ve always been a huge fan of RPG & DB2 Summit. It’s definitely one of the best conferences that I attend, and I attend a lot of conferences! In fact, I’ve participated in all twelve of the previous RPG & DB2 Summit conferences. However, the thirteenth one which was held in March 2013 had a … Discover the true power of IBM i at the RPG & DB2 Summit, March 24-26, 2020 in Dallas. You’ll learn the latest on IBM i application modernization, web services, mobile apps and open source – all leveraging your IBM i data and business logic.Find out how to architect IBM i applications for future flexibility.

You’ll get the highest quality speakers and sessions paired with low registration rates and an affordable hotel. Click here to learn more about the conference. Innovate at the RPG & DB2 Summit.
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Ted Holt leads us in a sing-along to the tune of "Those Were the Days." Lots of good voices in this crowd!

2021-04-04 · GamesBeat Summit 2021 #GBSummit returns with two days of content and networking designed for industry executives. April 28-29, 2021 Register Now 2021-04-08 · Join GamesBeat Summit 2021 this April 28-29. Register for a free or VIP pass today. Zynga’s Small Giant Games studio has launched Puzzle Combat, a new mobile match-3 action-RPG from the maker of RPG IV, a.k.a. RPGLE or ILE RPG,) was released in 1994 as part of the V3R2 release of OS/400 (now known as IBM i). With the release of RPG IV, the RPG name was officially no longer an initialism .

Build a Modern RPG Application (a 2-day workshop) SuperSaver rates are in effect through Friday, April 2, 2021. In addition, discounts are available to RPG & DB2 Summit Alumni as well as individuals and groups who attend multiple workshops. For additional information, visit www.systemideveloper.com or email info@systemideveloper.com.

The Summit 2020 - Bid Leaderboard for the 2019-2020 season Come and meet the ARCAD team at the RPG DB2 Summit, October 2-4 2018, Chicago, IL. Enter the promo code ARCAD, to receive a $200 discount off individual Summit registration. + Google Calendar + iCal Export Cumbre RPG & DB2 • Minneapolis • 30 de septiembre y 1 de octubre Esta cumbre de RPG & DB2 atraerá a numerosos asistentes que forman parte de la flor y nata de IBM i, y además contará con unos participantes de excepción entre los que encontraremos a Susan Ganter, Scott Kement, Kent Milligan, Jon Paris, Mike Pavlak y Paul Tuohy.

Each workshop offers 8 hours of focused skill-building. RDi Beyond the Basics - Susan Gantner; Python for RPGers - Mike Pavlak; SQL for RPGers - Paul Tuohy Remain Software Inc. 130 W. Plume Street Unit C, Norfolk, VA 23510 United States usa.office@remainsoftware.com Tel: 757-550-1560 2021-03-03 System i Developer today announces its first RPG & DB2 Summit in Charlotte, NC, March 26-28, 2019 at the Hilton Charlotte University Place. The conference will feature a new Db2 for i track updated with additional SQL and modernization techniques, practical skills for IBM i-based queries and analytics, and data integration options. Tuesday, March 16, 2021. IBM i Champion & Expert Alan Seiden.